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Studio d´Arte Michèl
A small selection of my sculptural work.
All are unique created in loving, ornate handwork by the Artist himself.
Dryade 9 Ernst | Dryade 8 Fröhlich | Dryade 7 |
Dryade 7 Gesicht | Dryade 4 | Dryad 2 in Nature |
Hermes Stab | Dryad 3 Baumwesen | Dryad 3 Gesicht |
Halb Büste Natur Farbe | Galaxy Gold Grün Spirale | Galaxy, Gold Spirale |
Galaxy Regenbogen Lichtwesen | Galaxy Türkis Violet | Galaxy Sonne |
Galaxy, Engel Wesen | Büste in Gold | Büste Dionysos |
Dionysos Büste Goldig |
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